El 16 de juny la prestigiosa revista anglesa The Keats-Shelley Review (Routledge.Taylor & Francis Group), ha publicat el meu article "The Intellectual Circle of Muzio Clementi in London: A Contribution to His Biography".
En aquest treball estudio i analitzo alguns aspectes biogràfics que relacionen el compositor amb un cercle intel·lectual format per filòsofs, literats, científics i artistes radicals de gran influència. Un entorn defensor dels drets humans i de la llibertat de pensament, quelcom que sens dubte té a veure amb les creences i personalitat de Clementi. Ha estat una recerca molt interessant i plena de sorpreses, com ara la seva amistat amb el filòsof William Godwin, marit de Mary Wollstonecraft i pares de Mary Shelley.
On June 16, the prestigious The Keats-Shelley Review (Routledge.Taylor & Francis Group), published my article "The Intellectual Circle of Muzio Clementi in London: A Contribution to His Biography".
In this work I study and analyze some biographical aspects that relate the composer to an intellectual circle made up of highly influential philosophers, writers, scientists and radical artists. An environment that defends human rights and freedom of thought, something that undoubtedly has to do with Clementi's beliefs and personality. It has been a very interesting search and full of surprises, such as his friendship with the philosopher William Godwin, husband of Mary Wollstonecraft and parents of Mary Shelley.